In Monopoly Tycoon, players still compete to try and bankrupt each other. The exception is the turn-based board game is lost. Instead, the game is played like Rollercoaster Tycoon. Building new businesses and trying to collect rent from them. Or if you are a solo-player, a challenge mode against the computer is available.
- 2001
- The Times Promo (2001)
This copy of Monopoly Tycoon was distributed for free in copies of The Times.
This game has one extra level compared to the original release. The goal of the ‘Times’ level is to be the first player to achieve 500 sales.
Players who complete this level will be given a code, which allows a free entry into a prize draw for a two-week all-inclusive holiday aboard a Silversea ultra-luxury cruise liner. Worth over £20,000.
- Die Bild Promo [DE] (2002)
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