Dedicated to the Collecting and History of Monopoly

Tag: 2016

Monopoly Jackpot (2016)

Monopoly Jackpot has a fixed end. Once the bank has run out of 100 notes, the winner is the player with the highest stack of money.

The main new mechanic in Jackpot is the Chance Spinner (Figure 2, centre). When a player lands on Chance or rolls a Chance symbol, each player may make a wager on the Chance spin. Outcomes range from ‘X4 Pay Out’ to ‘Bankrupt’.

Monopoly Jackpot is somewhat hard to locate in shops; originally exclusive to Argos, it is now only available for purchase on re-selling websites such as eBay.


Monopoly Ultimate Banking (2016)

In Monopoly Ultimate Banking, the aim stays the same – bankrupt your opponent. However, once the first person has lost all their value, the game ends and the player with the highest net value wins the game.

In this game, all transactions are organised through a banking system (Figure 2, centre) with a barcode-style reader. Also, when a player lands on a property, the rent increases each time. This results in commonly-landed on spaces becoming very valuable.

Promotional Pack


Germany – Banking Ultra

Monopoly Deal – Themed

  • Deal Transformers (2016) [HK]
  • Deal Cities – London (2017)

Three editions were made by Cartamundi in 2017 – the last year of their production of Monopoly Deal. These editions include: London, Paris and Berlin. I have never seen a Paris or Berlin edition for sale. However, this collection includes Monopoly Deal London – which appeared to be an Amazon exclusive.

  • Deal DFB – Die Mannschaft (2018) [DE]